UI/UX Desing
  • We design for people
    Our team includes talented professionals who excel in their respective fields. We provide a variety of design services, aimed at creating tailor-made, creative and visually enhanced stuff. Everything we do is aimed towards making your design based choices easier and stress-free. We don't cut corners in our work.

    We have a different view of our workspace. Our clients not only receive one to one attention but we involve them with the process. We have a healthy experience with clients from all over the world. We have but one aim, to exceed your expectations.

    AMAFHHA designs, develops, maintains, and hosts websites that are visually pleasing, technically optimized, and built to achieve your business goals. We develop your web presence resulting in website visitor engagement, conversion of visitors to business leads, and conversion of business leads into customers. We work with you to gain a thorough understanding of your desired outcomes to build and deploy stable, maintainable, and scalable web solutions. We enables you to build and maintain your Web Presence from the ground up i.e; from Website Development and Hosting to Digital Marketing.

    Sophisticated and Detailed Procedures go into the Whole Process.

    • Understanding the Objectives for Website Design. It may be for corporate presence or online enquiry generation. Once the organizations objectives are well understood it enhances the process to define the links, title, images and contents to display on the HomePage.
    • Competitive Research: Complete research of competitor’s website analysis is done to achieve a cut above in what we target to achieve. This also includes content analysis, graphics and link structure.
    • Creating a Brand Identity: The logos, theme line, corporate music, and punch lines are the core of organization’s identity. This is like a face value, which relates - identifies - associates with a brand or a company.
    • Designing a Home Page: Creating a Home Page matching the official color combination of existing logos, if any or after receiving the feedback of the customer. Choice of color combination is the most precise and important aspect of any Web Design process
    AMAFHHA Web Presence as a Service (WPaaS) offering includes:
    • Developing and hosting your website
    • Protecting it from cyberattacks by setting up web application firewall and malware protection, managing content updates
    • Optimizing it for higher search engine ranking through Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques
    • Monitoring, measuring and improving the performance
    • Setting up social media presence (Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin)
    • Developing, implementing, and monitoring pay per click advertising like Google Ads campaign

    Total No. of Pages
    SSL Certificate
    Total Hours Training
    Social Media Integration
    User Interaction Analysis
    Pay Per Click Training
    Project Based
    6 Pages
    2 Hours
    Extra Charges
    Extra Charges
    Extra Charges
    3 Months
    Contact Sales
    Project Based
    10 Pages
    4 Hours
    6 Months
    Contact Sales
    Dedicated Model
    Contact Sales